Saturday, 16 November 2019

Russian Audio & Books

Watch Russian movies and cartoons with English subtitles, as well as English videos subtitled into Russian. Above all, don’t forget to download the Transcription Text File / Captions File (you can find them under each YouTube video) and study the words!
Watch useful dialogues, pre-recorded Russian lessons explaining tough Russian grammar, and more!
You will find original Russian movies, Russian audio books, and podcasts.
Russian social network VK, or Vkontakte, is the Russian analog of Facebook but it has many more functions, as it stores a huge selection of audio and video that you can streamline for FREE. Don’t have an account yet? You are missing out! It has an English interface! You don’t have to make friends there (although it is encouraged). You can just register an account at VK to use its amazing audio and video content library. It’s like YouTube and Netflix combined!
  • Listen to Russian radio station Русское радио online-only Russian music
  • The most popular radio station in Russia Evropa Plus (foreign hits and Russian-speaking DJs)


In addition, reading is especially relevant for studying a language with maximum efficiency. Therefore, choose your favorite subject and author, and dive in!

Russian Books Online Libraries:

  •  the most comprehensive online repository of books in Russian 
Includes e-books in Russian by Russian authors, as well as books translated into Russian. Mostly fiction books, classic and modern Russian literature. Browse by subjects or search by author’s name.
Likewise, also check:
  • online books in Russian, free and for purchase, lots of modern Russian prose and poetry – Aldebaran Library
  •  non-fiction books (books on business, marketing, e-commerce, astronomy, history, health, and even more on other professional subjects, mostly by Russian authors) – Koob Library
  • and finally, good old Amazon provides kindle books in Russian for free and for purchase

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