Thursday, 21 November 2019

What Is The Best Hearing Aid Brand?

There are a number of hearing aid brands and manufacturers and each company has its own slight difference or point of comparison. While we’re committed to providing customers with choice and the most advanced hearing technology available, there is no “best” Hearing amplifiers manufacturer as it all comes down to a matter of comfort or preference.
As mentioned above there are some brands that are more suited to helping you hear in noisy environments such as the workplace, there are also other hearing aid brands that sync with personal devices such as mobile phones. The best hearing aid for you will match both your unique lifestyle and the hearing loss symptoms affecting you.
Whichever is the right product for you, we won’t just help you find it, we’ll also ensure you’re fitted by an expert so you’re comfortable right from the get-go.

What are the biggest hearing aid brands?

This is a difficult question to answer but some of the most notable hearing aid manufacturers include, GN Resound, Siemens, Unitron, Widex, Bernafon, Sonic, Starkey, Phonak & Oticon.
Cochlear is also a well-respected brand that many have heard of but unlike the others, they specialize in physical implants designed to help you regain your hearing rather than an external device.
Like in most industries, new players come and go but the manufacturers listed here have stood the test of time. Most reputable audiologists will recommend to you a product made by one of these companies.

get fitted for the right hearing aidWhere Are My Hearing Aids Manufactured?

Hearing aids are manufactured in a number of different countries around the world. For instance, Phonak is headquartered in Switzerland, Oticon is based in Denmark with Starkey and Sonic hearing aids originate out of the United States. Siemens devices are manufactured in Germany and Unitron is made in Canada. We highlight where hearing aids are sourced from in greater detail on our individual brand's pages.

Interesting Facts About Hearing Aid Manufacturers

While it seems like there is plenty of competition in the world of hearing aids, in recent times a lot of acquisitions have taken place meaning certain companies have a larger market share than you might have originally thought.
For example, did you know Unitron and Phonak are essentially the same company? Unitron and Phonak are owned by Swiss-based umbrella company Sonova.
Oticon, Sonic and Bernafon hearing aids all come from the same place too as they are owned by parent company William Demant group. Starkey, Siemens, GN Resound and Widex are still independent

More Information About Hearing Aid Brands

Hearing Choices, we aim to have as much information about hearing devices available on our website. However, due to technology evolving really quickly, sometimes the information found here may be slightly out of date. We aim to update the information found here frequently in order to keep consumers informed.
Hearing aids are expensive and similar to purchasing other items of similar price, a lot of time should be spent researching and evaluating the different types of products available on the market before purchasing.
Our goal is to provide customers with as much valuable information as possible, all available in one place. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our website, please get in touch either via the many contact forms by live chat or call us on the number above. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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